Development of new methods of rehabilitation
HomeDevelopment of new methods of rehabilitation

Development of new methods of rehabilitation

In line with world trends
Cochlear implantation in Russia exists since 1997. And one of the first operations was conducted in St. Petersburg. In the world, CI develops even longer — since 1977.

Naturally, scientific and technical progress does not stand still. Over the past decades, the models of cochlear implants have been repeatedly improved, speech processors have been modernized, and the methods of surgical intervention have changed. In parallel, the methods of auditory rehabilitation and social adaptation of patients with cochlear implants and hearing aids are being improved.
Program«I hear the world!»pays great attention to studying the world's leading trends in the field of auditory rehabilitation and developing their own new approaches.
Innovate experience

For tracking of the advanced scientific tendencies the program "I hear the world!" For a long time and closely co-operates with domestic and foreign manufacturers in sphere of high technologies. Constant active contacts with Russian and European specialists allow developing existing rehabilitation methods in the most relevant areas.

  • Studying of the advanced world tendencies.
  • Contacts with leading specialists.
  • Development of new methods of rehabilitation.

All-Russian Congress on Hearing Implantation
Once every two years, the All-Russian Congress on Hearing Implantation with International Participation is held in St. Petersburg, which is the main venue for a meeting of specialists in this field (
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